

Following Bachelor's Degrees will be awarded to successful candidates in completing prescribed study program, acquiring necessary credits and passing examinations laid down by each faculty/school.

Bachelor's Degrees
School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences Bachelor of Global Humanities and Social Sciences 
Faculty of Education Bachelor of Education
Faculty of Economics Bachelor of Economics
School of Medicine (Medical Sciences) Doctor of Medicine
School of Medicine (Health Sciences) Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Health Science
School of Dentistry Doctor of Dental surgery
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacy) Bachelor of Pharmacy
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutical Sciences) Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science
School of Information and Data Sciences  Bachelor of Information and Data Sciences
School of Engineering Bachelor of Engineering 
Faculty of Environmental Science Bachelor of Environmenal Science
Faculty of Fisheries Bachelor of Fisheries Science

Following Master's degrees will be awarded to successful postgraduate candidates.

Master's Degree
Graduate School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences (Master's Course) Master of Arts
Graduate School of Education Master of Education (Professional)
Graduate School of Economics (Master's course) Master of Economics
Master of Business Administration
Graduate School of Engineering (Master's Degree) Master of Engineering
Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences (Master's Program)
(Department of Fisheries Science) Master of Science
Master of Fisheries Science
(Department of Environmental Science) Master of Philosophy
Master of Environmental Science
(Department of Marine Science) Master of Fisheries Science
Master of Environmental Science
Master of Marine Science
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
(Health Sciences) Master of Nursing
Master of Physical Therapy
Master of Occupational Therapy
(Division Disaster and Radiation Medical Sciences) Master of Medical Science
Master of Nursing
(Pharmaceutical Sciences) (Master's course) Master of Pharmaceutical Science
School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (Master's Course)
(Department of Global Health) Master of Science in Global Health and Medicine
Master of Public Health
Master of Tropical Medicine

Following Doctoral Degrees will be awarded to successful candidates.

Doctoral Degree
Graduate School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences (Doctoral Course) Doctor of Philosophy
Graduate School of Economics (Doctoral course) Doctor of Business Administration
Graduate School of Engineering (Doctoral Degree (3 Year Program) )
(Doctoral Degree (5 Year Program) ) Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering
Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences (Doctoral Program)
(Department of Environment and Fisheries Resources) Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Graduate School of Fisheries Science and Environmental Studies (5-Year Doctoral Program)
(Department of Marine Science) Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Science
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
(Pharmaceutical Sciences) (Doctoral course) Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Science
Doctor of Philosophy
(Medical and Dental Sciences, Infection Research, Life Sciences and Radiation Research) Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Dental Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Science
Doctor of Philosophy
(Division of Advanced Preventive Medical Sciences) Doctor of Medicine
School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health (Doctoral Course) Doctor of Philosophy