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Mayor Suzuki Meets With Students Who Studied in Nagasaki During Würzburg Visit

 Mayor of Nagasaki City, Suzuki Shiro visited Würzburg, Siebold's hometown and Nagasaki's friendship city, on the occasion of his visit to Europe to attend the Preparatory Committee for the NPT Review Conference held in July at the UN European Headquarters in Geneva.

 Thirteen alumni, students, and professors from the University of Würzburg who conducted clinical clerkships at Nagasaki University Hospital attended the panel exhibition about the atomic bombing held at the Siebold Museum, and met with Mayor Suzuki to share their memories of Nagasaki.

 Since the academic exchange agreement between the University of Würzburg and Nagasaki University was signed in 1996, there have been 25 years of mutual student exchange between the University's School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. We hope that the network of exchange students that have gone to and from our universities will continue to grow.

In front of Siebold Huis with Mayor Suzuki