November 09, 2023
Located in a city that has suffered an atomic bombing, Nagasaki University has asked international society: "Who suffers the horrors of war?" In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, its eyes are on the ordinary people who are taken hostage, lose their lives in in attacks and incidental harm, and who suffer. Therefore, it calls for a ceasefire as soon as possible so that this humanitarian crisis should be resolved. All parties must comply with international law, especially international humanitarian law in order to protect civilians, including those taken hostage.
The G7 Foreign Ministers released a statement saying: "We support humanitarian pauses and corridors to facilitate urgently needed assistance, civilian movement, and the release of hostages." Nagasaki University welcomes this statement as a step toward the resolution of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The G7 countries and international society should work swiftly to realize the humanitarian pauses and corridors and should devote their utmost efforts to diplomacy for a ceasefire and peace in the Middle East.
Israel is considered a de facto nuclear state while remaining outside the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). A minister in the country said that the use of nuclear weapons as "one way" to deal with Gaza. This statement is an outrage, as it is an insult to Nagasaki's aspiration and resolution to "make Nagasaki the last atomic bombing site."
Included in the Fundamental Goals of Nagasaki University is "to maintain an attitude to learn even from serious consequences of inhumane decisions made about religion and the use of science" and "provide education and conduct research based on a clear intention and willingness to realize a world where people can coexist peacefully." It is also the mission to conduct global risk research and report our findings to society for Planetary Health. Based on these standings, Nagasaki University issues this statement.
President NAGAYASU Takeshi Nagasaki University November 9, 2023 |