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Privacy Policy
With respect to the handling of personal information on the Nagasaki University Homepage, we at Nagasaki University are compliant with all laws and ordinances having to do with the protection of personal information, and strive to protect personal information in accordance with the below policy and in accordance with both the Nagasaki University Rules and Regulations on Personal Information Protection (Referred to as “Rules and Regulations” below) and the Nagasaki University Regulations on the Management of Personal Information.
Our aim is to protect the rights and interest of individuals while going about our business affairs and clerical work at the university in a smooth and appropriate manner. We go about doing this through the stipulation of basic items concerning the protection of personal information retained by Nagasaki University, based on laws concerning the protection of personal information retained by independent administrative and corporate entities.
Furthermore, with respect to the handling of personal information retained by Nagasaki University, such matters are stipulated in the Nagasaki University Rules and Regulations on the Protection of Personal Information, except as otherwise provided for in laws and ordinances concerning the protection of personal information.
Nagasaki University has taken appropriate security measures with respect to unauthorized access and computer viruses for the purpose of preventing the loss, destruction, alteration or leakage of personal information along with ensuring the accuracy of the personal information retained.
Nagasaki University will, with respect to the personal information of users themselves, confirm that they have the right to seek the disclosure, correction and ceasing of usage of personal information. These requests are stipulated according to the previously mentioned Rules and Regulations.
Nagasaki University will strive to carry out improvements and re-examine continually, measures concerning the handling of personal information, and will be compliant with laws and ordinances having to do with the protection of personal information as well as with other rules and regulations.
This website uses cookies for the purpose of analysing usage and improve the experience of the user. Cookies consist of data that is sent and received from the website server during the browsing of the website by the user. Cookies, are used to collect site-access data, but this data does not include any information that could identify individual web-site users. We will not use any data obtained with cookies for any other purpose than statistical analysis concerning site-usage.
This website uses cookies for the purpose of analysing usage and improve the experience of the user. Cookies consist of data that is sent and received from the website server during the browsing of the website by the user. Cookies, are used to collect site-access data, but this data does not include any information that could identify individual web-site users. We will not use any data obtained with cookies for any other purpose than statistical analysis concerning site-usage.
This website uses Google Analytics services to collect and analyse usage data for the purpose of website improvement. This Google Analytics service uses Cookies to collect site-access data. Data that is collected does not include any information that can identify individual website users.
We handle the data we collect on this site from Google Analytics in accordance with Google’s privacy policy. Nagasaki University will not be held responsibilities for any damages incurred by the use of Google Analytics.
Please check the information of Google’s Privacy Policy following URL: (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en)
Please contact Center for Public Relations Strategy for any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or the protection of personal information.