* Other unique research
(1) Environmental science research integrating the humanities
    with the natural sciences
    Nagasaki University integrated the humanities with the natural sciences in the Faculty of Environmental Studies when it established this Faculty in 1997. This endeavor was the first among national universities. This is because the University believes in its foresight that environmental problems would be the most critical issue for mankind in the 21st century.
    Nagasaki, which faces the East China Sea, is susceptible to cross-border marine and air pollution, and has peculiar geographical features such as tidal flats and a closed sea area. All these unusual aspects of Nagasaki make it the most suitable place to study global environmental problems, and the Universityfs unique view of mixing the humanities with the natural sciences has made its research more original and distinctive.
    As global environmental problems are basically caused by cultural and economic activities of mankind, it is not only a domestic problem, but will also develop into an international problem involving neighboring countries.
    At the same time, academically, this is a broad-based, compound, multilayered, and interdisciplinary problem area, extending from the humanities to the natural sciences. Therefore, there is no doubt that research integrating the humanities with the natural sciences is a rational approach of handling this environmental problem effectively.
    It is no exaggeration to say that the significance of Nagasaki University in the 21 Century will be determined on whether or not results from efforts of the Faculty, which was established under the principle of an integration of humanities and natural sciences, will be recognized by the society.

(2) Study group on infrastructure maintenance technology in Nagasaki
    Having moved to the 21st century, the infrastructure facilities constructed after the war (mainly bridges, tunnels, and energy facilities) have deteriorated. It is an important task in the new century to reinforce these facilities and make them durable. The preservation of these structures requires deterioration analysis and anti-aging measures. Consequently, this will result in the realization of longer lasting structures.
    Technological developments in damage prediction, remote diagnosis (remote monitoring), damage repair and anti-aging materials, and the development of optimized prediction methods of lifetime expenses are important subjects of research. In addition, attempts to raise maintenance fees (healthcare of aging buildings) also need to be studied.
    Presently, the University launched the gIndustry infrastructure facilities management technology study grouph and organizes three to four seminars a year for 38 companies and 26 individual members from Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, and Nagasaki. The study group shares Japanfs latest information on maintenance of social infrastructure facilities through its seminars. It also transmits information throughout the nation.

(3) Research on Southeast Asian economy
    The Graduate School of Economicsf affiliated gResearch Institute of Southeast Asiah carries out basic and theoretical investigations on law, politics, economy, society, and culture of Southeastern Asian countries and other developing countries. Findings are published in journals and research report series.
    It also collects books and periodicals on Southeast Asia, with numbers reaching 12,380 for books and over 1,500 for types of periodicals by the end of 2003.

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