In our globalized world, various large-scale risks transcending national borders and societal boundaries are emerging. Established in June 2024, Research Center for Global Risk analyzes critical issues such as climate change, nuclear risk and biosecurity, infectious diseases, information, military conflicts, and social fragmentation. The Center aims to elucidate pathways for the international community and local regions to confront these challenges.
日 時:2024年12月21日(土)10:00-17:30 Date and Time: December 21, 2024 (Sat.) 10:00-17:30 (JST) 会 場:長崎大学文教スカイホール+オンライン(ウェビナー) Venue: Bunkyo Sky Hal, Nagasaki University and online webinar 主 催:グローバルリスク研究センター(CGR) Organizer:Nagasaki University Research Center for Global Risk(CGR) 言 語:日本語・英語 (午後より同時通訳) Language:Japanese/English: Simultaneous interpretation available only in the afternoon sessions. 参 加:無 料 Participation fee: Free 申 込:必要 申込はこちらから Participation:Onsite or online (registration required) https://forms.office.com/r/LEHQXausB5 アクセス:長崎大学文教スカイホール https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/ja/access/bunkyo/ Access: Bunkyo Sky Hall in the building of ⑤Global Education and Student Support Center https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/en/access/bunkyo/index.html 総合司会: 西田 充(多文化社会学研究科/CGR 教授・副センター長) General moderator: Michiru Nishida, Professor at School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Vice Director of CGR |
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プログラム / Program |
10:00-12:00 言語:日本語のみ
10:00-12:00 Language: Japanese only
Pre-session: Global Risks and Intelligence
Issues surrounding information are crucial pillars when considering global risks. This session will feature discussions that incorporate insights from researchers facing field-specific challenges and will include participation from the general public, based on problem statements introduced by these experts.
司 会・趣旨説明:岩下 明裕(CGR 教授・センター長)
Moderator: Akihiro Iwashita, Professor, Director of CGR
佐藤 靖明(多文化社会学研究科/CGR 准教授)
高村 昇(原爆後障害医療研究所/CGR 教授)
中村 桂子(核兵器廃絶研究センター 准教授)
安渓 貴子(生物文化多様性研究所 所員)
Yasuaki Sato: Associate Professor at School of Global Humanities and Social Science,
CGR of Nagasaki University
Noboru Takamura: Professor at Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, CGR of Nagasaki University
Keiko Nakamura: Associate Professor at Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition of Nagasaki University
Takako Ankei: Researcher at Institute for Biocultural Diversity
※Simultaneous interpretation available from here
永安 武(学長) 山崎 光悦(福島国際研究教育機構理事長)
Opening Remarks
Takeshi Nagayasu: President of Nagasaki University
Koetsu Yamazaki: President of the Fukushima Institute for Research, Education and Innovation
Session1「Global Risks Threatening Planetary Health: What Should We Do?」
司 会・趣旨説明:春日 文子(熱帯医学・グローバルヘルス研究科/CGR 教授・副センター長)
Moderator: Fumiko Kasuga, Professor at School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Vice Director of CGR
Session 1 aims to understand global risk and complex threats to human life, health, and to planetary health in the Anthropocene, and discusses what we the citizens, academia and Nagasaki University Research Center for Global Risk can and should act to pursue health and peace, together with keynote speakers, discussants and the participants. Keynote speakers are sharing their thoughts on the concept and current threat of global risk, social disparity that could worsen the impact of global risk, role of science and various generations and communities to pursue peace, and also on fundamental role of human rights. Discussants from Research Center for Global Risk will start discussion with their expertise and continue broader idea sharing with the participants in the venue.
ポール・スリバスタバ(ペンシルバニア州立大学 教授・副学長/ローマクラブ共同会長)
Keynote Speaker1 ※Online
Paul Shrivastava: Professor, Pennsylvania State University and Co-President, The Club of Rome
白波瀬 佐和子(国際連合大学上級副学長/東京大学特任教授)
Keynote Speaker2
Sawako Shirahase: Senior Vice-Rector of the United Nations University, Project Professor at the University of Tokyo
討論者1:コンペル・ラドミール(多文化社会学研究科/CGR 准教授)
Discussant: Compel Radomir, Associate Professor at School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, CGR of Nagasaki University
Multilateral relationship of Planetary Risk
討論者2:リナ・マダニヤズ(熱帯医学・グローバルヘルス研究科/CGR 准教授)
Discussant: Lina Madaniyazi, Associate Professor at School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, CGR of Nagasaki University
Epidemiological consideration on the risk of climate change and infectious diseases
Session2「The Pursuit of Value in the Age of Polycrisis」
司 会・趣旨説明 : 樋川 和子(核兵器廃絶研究センター/CGR 教授・副センター長)
Moderator: Kazuko Hikawa: Professor, Vice Director of Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition and CGR
Christian Felber, initiator of the Economy for the Common Good, a holistic approach grounded in universal values to address polycrisis, will present a keynote lecture on the "Economy for the Common Good." This will be followed by a panel discussion with CGR faculty, exploring the theme: "Can human values overcome polycrises?" with additional insights from an economic perspective.
クリスティアン・フェルバー(作家 大学講師「公共善エコノミー」創始者)
Keynote lecture
Christian Felber: Writer, University Lecturer, Initiator of the “Economy for the Common Good“ and the “Cooperative for the Common Good“, Austria
Panel discussion「Can human values overcome polycrises?」
クリスティアン・フェルバー(作家 大学講師「公共善エコノミー」創始者)
ギュルベヤズ・アブデュルラッハマン(多文化社会学研究科/CGR 准教授)
昔 宣希(総合生産科学研究科(環境科学系)/CGR 准教授)
南森 茂太(経済学研究科/CGR 准教授)
Christian Felber: Writer, University Lecturer, Initiator of the “Economy for the Common Good“ and the “Cooperative for the Common Good“, Austria
Abdurrahman Gülbeyaz: Associate Professor at School of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, CGR of Nagasaki University
Sunhee Suk: Associate Professor at Faculty of Environmental Science, CGR of Nagasaki University
Shigeta Minamimori: Associate Professor at School of Economics, CGR of Nagasaki University
クローズリング・トーク 岩下 明裕(CGR 教授・センター長)
Closing Remark: Akihiro Iwashita, Professor, Director of CGR
TEL: 095-819-2964 FAX: 095-819-2040
e-mail: cgr_jimu*ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp(*を@に変換してください。)
Inquiries :
Nagasaki University Research Center for Global Risk
TEL: 095-819-2964, FAX: 095-819-2040
EMAIL: cgr_jimu*ml.nagasaki-u.ac.jp(Please convert * to @.)