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令和2年度 長崎大学卒業式学長告辞


令和3年3月25日 2021年3月25日 長崎大学卒業式学長告辞

感染症以外でも、皆さんが将来に対し不確実な要因として感じられるのが、ポストコロナの時代に加速する人工知能A Iなどのデジタルトランスフォーメイションではないでしょうか。A Iの開発が進行し、皆さんが社会の最前線で活躍する時代には今存在しない職業が出現し、定型的な仕事が多い一般事務職や販売業、製造業、建築業の人材の需要は減少し、A Iやロボット関連の専門職や技術職の需要が増すとの予想がなされています。長崎大学では、情報化時代に対応するために、2020年4月から情報データ科学部を創設し、2021年から教養教育に情報教育を取り入れ始めます。卒業及び修了する皆さんは、社会に出てから、自力で学び続けなければなりません。人生100年時代に生きる皆さんは、一生学び続けながら不確実な世界を生き抜いて行くことはしかたないことかもしれません。

長崎大学長 河野 茂

Graduation Ceremony Speech by the President of Nagasaki University (on March 25, 2021)

The pandemic of novel coronavirus infections has been going on for more than a year. Regardless of the pandemic, the four seasons come and go as if nothing has happened, and the cherry blossom season has just arrived. The seasons bring back our memories through five senses. The burning sun in summer, for example, reminds us of the past summer we had in Nagasaki. I am now hoping that the smells and the sights of spring will bring you memories of hope that will encourage you to move forward.

Congratulations to all the graduates of the 2020 academic year, and I also, on behalf of all the faculty and staff, would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the families who have supported the graduates. You are now truly happy with your achievement. The year 2020 has been completely different from the past, with no in-person classes on our campus. Many of the classes have been conducted online. The unusual circumstances have required a lot of efforts and caused many inconveniences. You have made it through tough times. I am very proud of you.

Over the past year, people around the world have been put into unimaginable situations by the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has caused enormous hardships for our people and society. The pandemic has also taught us an important lesson. As you may have noticed already, times are constantly changing. Changes are inevitable, and we need to understand this fact. The drastic change caused by the pandemic has transformed our life into a new one. From a different perspective, the pandemic shed new light on the ways we lead our lives. You can see things differently. This is a chance and a choice to create a new world. Have hope.

I know that you feel uncertain about the potential demand for changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to this, digital transformation from emerging technologies such as AI creates uncertainty as well. As the development of AI progresses, new types of jobs will emerge. In contrast, we will see other types of jobs vanish, such as high-level routine work in sales, manufacturing, and construction. In order to respond to the Information and Digital Age, Nagasaki University established the Faculty of Information and Data Science last year, and we have decided to introduce new courses in the area of information education as an essential part of required education. We have to prepare for the potential changes that may occur in the foreseeable future. After you finish college, you will need to be independent learners so that you can find ways to cope with uncertainty ahead of you.

Let us now focus on the deeper meaning of life. Ask yourselves what you are trying to achieve and what purpose you want to give to your lives. In this age of uncertainty, many people might want to live in search of personal happiness. Many people might see overall happiness in their family relationships and friendships as the highest goal. They tend to be more introverted. Of course, we can seek our own happiness, but I would very much like for you to lead lives of service, to make a contribution to our society. This is my hope as the President of Nagasaki University. Samuel Ullman said, "Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind.” I strongly believe this: we need to have courage to counteract and conquer our cowardice. We need to have courage to be adventurous.

Can you guess why I am now asking you to make a contribution to our society? No matter what may happen and no matter what challenges we may encounter, we live in a society. Human societies cannot continue to exist without appreciating the values of cooperation and contribution. These are essentials to move toward a sustainable society. I would like you to think more about what you can do as a member of a society for the keeping of planetary health. Our planet is not healthy. In the pursuit of affluence and convenience, we have seen the development of science and technology as important drivers of economic and social progress. Our planet is, however, not healthy. It is severely damaged. For one thing, CO2 emission has been increasing, and it causes global warming. Due to the greenhouse gas effects of CO2, ice in the Arctic and Antarctic has been melting, which in turn is causing major floods and droughts, including an increase in the size of typhoons. Another threat to us is emerging infectious diseases. Outbreaks of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases have occurred as people go into nature. Close contact with the nature has allowed new viruses from previously unencountered animals and other sources to spread to humans. The third area of growing concern is political issues: international conflicts, including issues surrounding nuclear weapons. Last, but not least, there are mounting concerns about medical care, and other social and education issues such as economic and educational disparity. As these examples show, we are not in a healthy environment. In order to turn these bad situations into good ones, we need contributions from each one of you. I am strongly hoping that you will be determined to make active contributions to our society.

Shigeru Kohno
President of Nagasaki University