HOME > 教育・学生生活 > (結果発表)令和4年度春季入学料・前期授業料免除について (Notice of result announcement) 2022 spring admission fee and 1st semester tuition fee exemption(English follows Japanese)

教育・学生生活Education / Student Life

(結果発表)令和4年度春季入学料・前期授業料免除について (Notice of result announcement) 2022 spring admission fee and 1st semester tuition fee exemption(English follows Japanese)




(学外の場合はVPN接続が必要です) ※詳細はICT基盤センター「外部からの接続方法」を参照。

8月29日(月)に授業料引き落とし用口座より引き落としを行います。8月26日(金)までに、銀行口座の方へ引き落とし分の金額をご準備ください。 なお、当該日に引き落としされると困る方は、引き落としに足る金額を口座に残さないなどの自己調整を行ってください。その場合の次回引き落とし日は9月20日(火)となります。
ホーム > 教育・学生生活 > 経済・生活支援 > 入学料免除及び徴収猶予

(Notice of result announcement)
2022 spring admission fee and 1st semester tuition fee exemption

Please check the results of the 2022 spring admission fee and 1st semester tuition fee exemption results on Nu-Web.
 (Check from NU-WEB> Student Info> Student Information carte> Exemption)
※To check from the campus: After connecting to Wi-Fi, log in to NU-Web
※To check from off-campus: Login to NU-Web using Anyconnect VPN

(About payment of tuition fees)
We will withdraw from your bank account registered with the university on Monday, August 29th. Please prepare the amount to be deducted from your bank account by Friday, August 26th.
For students transferring tuition fee from overseas, please make sure the payment arrives by the deadline as it takes several days to be transferred from overseas.

If you are in trouble with the withdrawal on that day, please make self-adjustment such as not leaving the sufficient amount for the withdrawal in your bank account. In that case, the next withdrawal date will be September 20 (Tuesday).

(Payment of admission fee)
The admission fee needs to be paid by bank transfer, so please check the admission fee transfer bank account notified in writing and make sure to transfer the fee by the deadline. If you wish to postpone the admission fees, please apply using the postponement application downloaded from the university website by Wednesday, August 24. (Please note that the payment deadline will be Friday, March 31, 2023 by applying this postponement.)

【Nagasaki University HP】
HOME > Education / Student Life > Economic / Life Support > Admission Fee Exemption and Postponement of Collection