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熱帯医学研究所 伊東啓助教らが複雑ネットワークと母子感染を同時に考慮した性感染症の数理モデルを発表しました

   熱帯医学研究所 国際保健学分野の伊東啓助教(テニュア・トラック)と山本太郎教授は静岡大学工学部の守田智教授と共に、複雑ネットワークと母子感染を同時に考慮した性感染症の数理モデルを開発し、その成果が2018年12月13日に『Applied Mathematics and Computation』誌からオンライン公開されました。

Hiromu Ito, Taro Yamamoto and Satoru Morita.
Demography of sexually transmitted infections with vertical transmission.
Applied Mathematics and Computation 348: 363-370, 2019

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are an ongoing public health concern. Despite many efforts, STIs have not been eradicated. Most STIs are infected through “horizontal” sexual contact and “vertical” mother-to-child transmission. We therefore need to explore the mathematical relationship between horizontal and vertical transmissions, which is necessary for the strategic eradication of STIs. Here, we constructed a simple model to demonstrate the infection dynamics of STIs with vertical transmission. We proposed a new formulation of the basic reproduction number (R0) for STIs over generations, and showed that vertical transmission exerts a smaller effect on the R0 than horizontal transmission. We also performed agent-based simulations to validate our theoretical predictions.


