熱帯医学研究所 チャベス サナブリア ルイス フェルナンド助教らの研究グループは、蛇咬症と貧困、気候変動との関連性を調査し、その研究を報告した論文が、2015年9月11日(アメリカ東部標準時)に電子ジャーナルScience Advancesに掲載されました。
チャベス サナブリア ルイス フェルナンド助教による、研究の概要は以下の通りです。
Summary: Snakebites are an environmental and occupational health hazard, mainly affecting rural populations worldwide. The ectothermic nature of snakes raises the issue of how climate change impacts on snake ecology could influence the incidence of snakebites in humans in ways that echo the increased predation pressure of snakes on their prey.
We thus ask whether snakebites reported in Costa Rica (CR) from 2005 to 2013 were associated with meteorological fluctuations. We place emphasis on El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), a climatic phenomenon associated with cycles of other neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in the region and elsewhere. We also ask how spatial heterogeneity in snakebites and poverty are associated, given the importance of the latter for NTDs. Here, we found that periodicity in snakebites reflects snake reproductive phenology and are associated with ENSO. Snakebites are also more likely to occur following hot temperatures and can be significantly reduced after rainy years. Nevertheless, snakebites cluster in the areas with the heaviest rainfall in CR, increase with poverty indicators and decrease with altitude. Altogether, our results suggest that snakebites might be varying as a result of ongoing climate change.
論文タイトル:Snakebites are associated with poverty, weather fluctuations and El Niño
雌のBothrops asper(テルシオペロ)。