ホーム > 長崎大学について > 学長メッセージ > 河野学長 > 放射線防護・原子力安全研究所(フランス共和国)との学術交流協定締結に寄せて




It is my great pleasure to welcome Professor Jean-Christophe Niel, Director of IRSN, for the signing of the Agreement on Academic Cooperation between Nagasaki University and IRSN.
Since the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011, Nagasaki University and IRSN have contributed to the recovery of Fukushima through risk communication based on our scientific knowledge of radiation protection. This work has highlighted the importance of the establishment of radiation protection culture after the nuclear disaster, through the cooperation of residents, local government, and specialists.
On the basis of our long-term experience, in particular that of the A-bomb survivors and Chernobyl victims, we at Nagasaki University hope to develop our mutual understanding with IRSN. Our aim is to collaborate in the field of radiation protection and radiation health sciences, especially comprehensive risk management, including the future exchange program of researchers and students
Finally, I really wish to express my sincere appreciation to those who contribute to and relate with the daily efforts of recovery of Fukushima.

Thank you.


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